Are you ready for the 2022 web design trends? See some trends below to refine yours!
1. Typographic hero image
Sounds uncanny? It’s already a very common term.So what is a typographic hero image?A hero image is a website design term that describes a large or very large “text included” image at the top of a website. It is sometimes also called a “hero header”. To the company, the hero image plays an important part in creating the first impression on customers’ eyes and minds.

One of example for typographic hero image
As the first part of a website that visitors see, the hero image statement has to be impressive and successfully deliver one of the brand elements such as brand name, brand tagline, brand statement, and brand manifesto.The website designers are learning that idea by heart with both typography-led and creative-led hero images, which is one of the dominant website design trends in 2022.Essentially, when using such large text, the visuals on the website will need to be simplified or completely eliminated to allow the message itself to make a good first impression. Appearing simply, it is the simplicity of these hero texts that make the website unique. It attracts attention with the meaning contained in the text, with a standard layout and consistent font from beginning to end of the website.
2. Scrollytelling
“Scrollytelling” – the portmanteau of ‘scrolling’ and ‘storytelling’, was a term describing online long-form stories that include audio, video and animation effects. It’s triggered by simply scrolling the page.Scrollytelling is an effective way to leverage a digital interface to convey an intricate story.Scrollytelling is also referred to as “narrative visualization” — a series of visual elements sequenced together, organized chronologically to convey a specific message to visitors.

Click the link to see the story!
These visual effects are created to attract the audience’s attention by organizing some visual elements sequences to convey the brand’s message to customers.Messages and stories conveyed by a visual video will easily create empathy in customers, thereby creating a connection as well as attracting “alike mindsets” from customers. That’s why this will become the trend in website design in 2022.
3. Visible borders
In fact, websites are created from the tight layout of UI/UX Designers and lines of code by Coders. That is, these websites have been decided on the layout, but how to design a layout that best suits the brand, expresses the philosophy of the brand and fixes it in the customer’s perspective.For brands that need to seek the trust of customers, website design will be an effective dose of “fluoxetine” if it creates a sense of security for customers when visiting the website.

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Many customers will form an illusion of “peace of mind” when the content is neatly arranged, or is some kind of free-floating but contained within a specific border.For the year 2022, many website designers choose simple borders and frames for website layout, beyond showing their background, partly the brand’s business philosophy, they also attract customers of the same “frequency level” with their brand.Beyond attracting customers, creating a display grid has the obvious benefit of distinguishing one section from another. This makes the page easier to be scanned and allows the site to hold more content without feeling cramped.These simple borders also give websites a classic, sophisticated touch that blends well with other near-90s trends that are making a comeback.
4. Imagery Multilayers
In recent years, in the design process, people have focused more on neat, pixel-perfect and minimalist designs, based on customer tastes than on putting brand personality into website design. This situation appears so much that it becomes a stereotype, making many designers reluctant to approach more complex designs visually.Imagery Multilayers (also called Multiple layers of content) as a way to challenge the eyes of customers, instead of using the usual ingredients that our eyes are used to.

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Layers of images and text superimposed on each other in a fancy layout will create a vivid experience like you are entering a library, gradually discovering the story the brand wants to tell. As an effective dose of adrenaline – this causes users to spend more time exploring a website.Select photos based on the brand’s unique theme, brand-appropriate animations, and brand distinctive colors on black or white background helps tie everything together, creating a spatial depth for the imagination to explode.
5. Memphis design
Memphis design is one of the signature aesthetics of the 1980s. At the time, it was sometimes seen as a flamboyant style, a chaotic mixture of countless shapes and different colors.Once upon a time, it is considered that Memphis’ designs were a declaration of war against minimalism and the supposedly high tastes of art critics

Click the link to see the design
Nowadays, website designers make the design more colorful, accessible, and adventurous at the same time to stimulate customers to stay on your website longer.This accessing view is especially true when minimalistic approaches have led to a sea of identical looks by brands. It’s no surprise why so many web designers are turning to mobile devices. 2022 will be the year of Memphis design, which creates a burst of colorful personality that no one will ever forget.
Our Hands hold our luck…
Came across a large number of websites and touched upon a variety of trends, with the inevitable Metaverse, which will dominate headlines in 2022, web design finds itself on the brink of a new era.Stay tuned to update new website design trends with us.Or design your website now here!