The Jester


“Let’s dance! We don’t care if anyone is watching”

Hi! You are Jester. We are the same one, we live for the moment, in the here and now. Always the life of the party, we want people to embrace our inner child, lighten up and enjoy ourselves! Impulsive and unrestrained, not afraid to bend or break rules,Jesters are not afraid to stand out and are quite comfortable in their own skin.I – the truly the Jester love to liven up a party with humor and tricks, however, I have a deep soul. I want to make others happy and can often use humor to change people’s perceptions.

The Jester

The “zodiac” sign to recognize Jester:

  • Promise: Brings joy to the world through humor, fun, irreverence
  • Core desire: Live for the moment
  • Goal: Enjoyment
  • Fear: Boredom
  • Strategy: Empower consumers to let go and live a little
  • Gift: Helping people see the lighter side of life, spreading creativity through joy
  • Motivation: Be a cheerleader
  • Categories that tend to have the Jester at the foundation: Confectionery, Professional Services, Beer, Child Services
  • Example brands have “the Jester archetype”: Burger King, Cadbury’s, Paddy Power, Budweiser

How to bring Jester to life

Jester brands strive to have customers associate them with good times and memories. This mostly translates into witty and creative advertising campaigns that are likely to go viral.For Jester brands, using the right amount of humor to connect with their audience is key. They should know better than to have their jokes fall flat, overdo the humor, or to get into trouble for crossing moral or legal lines.As the Jester Archetype your brand should highlight the light-hearted and positive side of life with a playful and entertaining spirit.

Which kinds of consumers match with Jester?

Consumers who are attracted to Jester brands want to be able to have fun now, even if they’re working. They know how to have fun, and they appreciate brands that do too. They want to patronize brands that don’t take themselves too seriously.

What is a Brand archetype?

Brand personality or a set of human characteristics is a part of brand equity, go along with brand image, consistently appear on brand’s communication and advertising activities. As such, a brand personality is something to which the consumer can relate. And building a strong brand archetype has a pivotal role in imprinting brand image in the consumer’s mind.

Why brand should own an archetype

In fact, most famous brands we know in the world like Nike, Starbuck, Volvo, Apple have developed and owned for themselves at least one archetype since brands were borned.

But owning an archetype is usually seen as a superfluous activity and underestimated by many SMEs business owners who take their first steps on the brand building process. No one tells them the true potential of embracing an archetype in terms of competitive advantage and attracting the right customers.

Archetype helps brands stand out

Do you want to know how to stand out in a crowded market? A powerful archetype might be the solution. Archetypes motivate you to go deep into your brand’s history and discover the why behind all you do. The people, locations, and ideas that influenced the beginnings of your company are absolutely unique to your brand. This is especially crucial to remember if your business and another company in your sector have the same archetype.

Archetype makes up the color of brand experience

Archetypes set the tone for consumer interactions and relationships. A brand with a caretaker archetype, for example, will radiate a helpful, pleasant, and supporting demeanor. After establishing these traits, a consumer will build expectations for the next brand experience. Hopefully, the brand lives up to the hype. When this occurs, a consumer comes to trust you and your products. A loyal client base is built on repeated, consistent encounters.

Archetype helps to attract right customer

The value of archetypes lies in their ability to be individually adapted to the requirements and desires of your audience. In other words, archetypes are used by businesses to create a link between a customer’s demand and your offering. This enables people to realize how your product may help you achieve your personal objectives, in a deeper way, more authentic interactions with customers.Obtaining an archetype with a clear set of characteristics, tone of voice, the way brands appear on each media platform will help the brand stand out in the crowd where everyone is trying to walk in the fog without any self-brand understanding.


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